Snow scraper / U-plow

Add a new dimension to your work with our high-quality snow scraper/plow, specially designed for efficient and precise snow removal in industrial areas. Whether you need to create safe passageways for vehicle traffic or keep gate areas clear of snow banks, this snow scraper is the perfect tool for the job.

The scraper has 16mm wear steel bolted to the bottom to ensure long life. This allows the scraper to easily withstand the harshest winter conditions and continue to perform at peak levels over time.

The scraper is specially designed to clear snow on industrial sites where you do not want to leave an embankment in front of gates and similar

Brackets are provided on both the inside and outside of the scraper for easy turning when clearing gate openings etc.

The attachment on the back of the scraper is floating. This allows the scraper to follow the terrain accurately and efficiently, which is crucial to ensure smooth and efficient snow removal.

Versatile use: This scraper is specifically designed to handle snow removal on industrial sites where avoiding snow banks in front of gates and other important areas is crucial. With attachments on both the inside and outside of the scraper, you can easily turn it around to effectively clear snow by gates and other tight spaces.

Mekosvet's snow scraper for snow removal on an industrial site.

Mekosvet's snow scraper for snow removal in the gate opening.

  • Standard attachments: big bm, Zettelmeyer 602/ Volvo L30.

    If you need other brackets, please contact us.

    Widths: 2500, 3200 mm

    Weight: 550kg, 950kg